When you or your business is facing debt from repossessions or foreclosure, overwhelming medical bills, or just too much credit card debt, we can help. Our firm can give your case the attention it deserves and experience enough to protect your interest.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a reorganization of consumer debts and allows a debtor to propose a plan to repay some or all of his debts over a period of time not to exceed 5 years. This type of bankruptcy might be filed to stop a foreclosure, stop repossession or a lawsuit. Creditors are forced to accept payments on these debts and cannot take further legal action against the debtor once the bankruptcy is filed and the debtor’s plan is approved.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common type of consumer bankruptcy. A debtor who filed this type of bankruptcy is allowed to keep a certain amount of property in exchange for receiving an Order of Discharge of his debts. The debtor must list all of his assets and debts in his petition for bankruptcy. The process takes approximately 90 days and an appearance at what is call a meeting of creditors takes place about 30-45 days after filing. There are certain requirements to qualify for chapter 7, and an attorney should be consulted before filing.
Melanie G Moffat LLC law firm handles: